William McNairn Shaw


Icône de Point de LocalisationLanark-Sud

Dates d’entrée en fonction et de départ

(élection générale)



1re législature


1re législature ( 27 décembre 1867 – 25 février 1871 )

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 22 (An Act respecting the Conveyance of Real Estate by Married Women)

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 42 (To repeal the statutory enactments respecting the protection of sheep from dogs)

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 22 (An Act respecting the conveyance of real estate by married women"

Membre, Select Committee to amend the Act passed in the 27th and 28th Vic. Chap 38 re: the sherrif

Membre, Comité permanent des voies ferrées

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 44, An Act respecting Overholding Tenants

Membre, Special Committee to consider Bill 34, Respecting the Common Law Procedure Act

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 17 (Respecting Division Courts)

Membre, Select Committee to Examine the Affairs of the Toronto Hospital

Membre, Comité permanent des voies ferrées

Membre, Select Committee to consider Bill 68, An Act amend the Act respecting joint Stock Companies for the construction of Roads and other works in Upper Canada


Conservative Party