Index des intervenants

Letter: T

  • Tabuns, P. (NDP, Toronto—Danforth)

  • Tangri, Hon. N. (PC, Mississauga—Streetsville)

    • Affordable housing
      • support programs
    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Council of the College of Opticians of Ontario, A57
    • Community housing
      • government strategy, HE573
    • Housing development
      • provincial and municipal relationship, HE588
    • Land use planning
      • approval timelines
        • ministerial responsibility
          • Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA), HE573
    • Ontario Building Code
      • services, reform, HE574
    • Unhoused persons - support programs and services
      • government funding, HE573, HE587
      • Homelessness Prevention Program, HE573
      • Indigenous Supportive Housing Program, HE573
  • Taylor, M. (NDP, Hamilton Mountain)

    • Child protection system
    • Child protection system - staff
    • Children and youth in care
      • alternative placements
      • data collection and reporting, SP1192, SP1207–SP1208
      • Ombudsman of Ontario, role of, SP1166
      • protection of privacy, SP1149
      • rights, Ombudsman of Ontario, SP1210
      • supports and services, SP1149
      • transfer payment agencies
        • accountability and oversight, SP613
    • Children and youth in care - former
    • Children and youth in care - foster and group homes
      • accountability and oversight, SP1141
      • funding models, impact of, SP1193
      • government funding, SP1144
      • inspections
      • social worker visits
    • Children and youth in care - Indigenous
      • foster and group homes
        • accountability and oversight, SP1144
        • funding models, impact of, SP1178
    • Children and youth in care - models of care
      • kinship families
    • Children's aid societies (CASs)
    • Children's aid societies (CASs) - by site
      • Ombudsman investigation and recommendations
        • Rights Unrecognized: Mia’s Story (2024), SP1196
    • Correctional facilities - youth justice facilities
      • Children's Aid Societies' investigations
    • Correctional services - staff
      • employment models
      • occupational health and safety
    • Correctional services - youth
    • Employment services
      • Service System Manager
    • Employment services - target populations
      • social assistance recipients
        • cross-ministry collaboration, SP608
        • program evaluation, SP601
    • Government record
      • PC (2018-present)
        • children and youth services, SP1202
    • Human trafficking - victims
    • Legislative precinct
      • rehabilitation and restoration
        • construction management structure, PH36
        • consultation with Indigenous communities, PH52
    • Legislative precincts
      • Parliament Hill
    • Missing Persons Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 74), JP677–JP681, JP685–JP688
    • Ontario Autism Program - AcessOAP
    • Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
      • care coordinators
      • core services
      • government funding
        • disbursement timelines, SP608
        • reflection in estimates, SP606
      • services
      • treatment waitlists, SP602
    • Ontario Child Advocate
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
      • benefit rates, increase
      • eligibility, SP612
    • Persons with disabilities - children
      • programs and services
    • Poverty reduction
      • government funding
        • reflection in estimates, SP600
    • Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188), SP1141, SP1144–SP1145, SP1149–SP1150, SP1152–SP1153, SP1161–SP1162, SP1166–SP1167, SP1178–SP1179, SP1187–SP1188, SP1192–SP1193, SP1196
    • Victim services
      • government funding
        • reflection in estimates, SP614
      • service providers
        • funding allocation, SP614
  • Thanigasalam, Hon. V. (PC, Scarborough—Rouge Park)

    • Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39), HE350, HE364–HE365
    • Colleges and universities
    • Committee process
      • closed sessions
    • Conservation authorities
      • role in development process
        • authority and jurisdiction, HE88
    • Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2023 (Bill 81), HE608
    • Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2023 (Bill 99), SP649
    • Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97), HE437, HE450, HE454, HE472, HE488
    • Housing development - approvals and permits
    • Housing development - construction
      • construction starts
        • factors affecting, HE437
    • Housing development - municipal charges
      • development charges
        • exemptions and discounts
          • affordability requirements, HE155
    • Housing policy
      • government strategy, HE387
    • Housing supply
      • government strategy
    • Land use planning - environmental, class environment assessments
      • 30-day review period, ministerial waiver, HE417
    • Land use planning - municipalities
      • municipal official plans
        • employment zones
          • and housing development, HE472
    • Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
      • fines and penalties, HE450
    • More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23), HE82, HE88, HE98, HE131–HE132, HE142–HE143, HE155, HE189–HE190, HE206, HE215, HE235
      • public consultation, HE136
    • Motions
      • additional hearings re: More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
      • estimates - assignment of ministries
    • Municipal governance
      • strong mayor system
        • accountability and oversight, HE54
    • Municipal governance - strong mayor system
      • general remarks, HE46
      • provincial priorities, HE364
    • Municipal governance - strong mayor system, administrative authority
    • Premier's Council on Equality of Opportunity
    • Reducing Inefficiences Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69), HE408, HE417
    • Rental housing
      • air conditioning
    • Soccer goalposts - unanchored
      • risk of injury or death
        • education and awareness, SP649
    • Sports and recreation
      • Canadian Sport Institute Ontario, HE670
    • Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy
      • committee business
    • Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3), HE32, HE46, HE54–HE55
    • Transit-oriented communities
  • Thompson, Hon. L.M. (PC, Huron—Bruce)

    • Agricultural land
      • conservation/loss
        • impact on land prices, IN226
    • Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 155), IN373–IN381
    • Agriculture industry
    • Agriculture industry - food processing
      • government strategy, IN216
    • Agriculture industry - support programs
    • Agri-food industry
    • College of Veterinarians of Ontario
    • Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171), IN509–IN516
    • Farmers
      • recruitment and retention, IN220
    • Food prices
    • Grow Ontario Stretegy
    • Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97), IN219
    • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
    • Veterinarians
      • education
        • University of Guelph and Lakehead University program, IN215–IN216
    • Veterinarians and veterinary technicians
  • Tibollo, Hon. M.A. (PC, Vaughan—Woodbridge)

    • Budget 2023/2024
      • mental health and addictions, SP555
    • Eating disorders
      • treatment programs
        • general remarks, SP26
    • Mental Health Addictions Centre of Excellence
      • mandate and priorities, SP555
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • education and training, professionals, SP27
      • housing programs, SP20, SP26
      • mobile clinics, SP20
      • programs, expansion of, SP20
      • psychotherapy programs
        • Structured Psychotherapy Program, SP26
    • Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
      • virtual services
    • Mental health and addictions services - funding
      • annual allocation, SP27
      • bed development, SP26
    • Mental health and addictions services - funding, children and youth
    • Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
  • Triantafilopoulos, E.J. (PC, Oakville North—Burlington)

    • Affordable housing
      • formats, types of, F647
    • Alcohol retail
      • spirits, sale of
    • Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
      • general remarks, F229
    • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Child and Family Services Review board, A275, A280
    • Automotive industry - investments
      • investment agreements, F751
    • Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180), F1760
    • Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85), F632, F647
    • Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146), F862, F870–F871, F881–F882
    • Canadian Mental Health Association
      • funding allocation models, F253
    • Cost of living
      • support programs, F739
    • Diagnostic imaging
      • mobile units
        • in long-term care homes, F254
    • Employment
      • training and recruitment initiatives
        • government strategies, other jurisdictions, F621
    • Government finances
      • federal-provincial funding partnerships, F742
    • Government record
      • PC (2018-present)
        • health care policy, F415
    • Health care funding
      • general remarks, F54
    • Health care system
      • structural stressors
        • government response, F326
    • Health care workers
      • education and recruitment programs
        • Learn and Stay grant, F326
    • Health care workers - recruitment and retention
      • northern and rural Ontario, F219
    • Housing development
      • general remarks, F647
    • Housing development - by region
    • Human trafficking - prevention
      • government funding, F1025
    • International trade missions
      • economic impact, F759
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022 (Bill 46), F114, F289–F290
    • Local services board
      • operational budget
        • funding agreements, F290
      • roles and responsibilities, F289
      • service delivery
        • population demographics, F289
    • Long-term care
      • Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care Program, F254
    • Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
      • general remarks, F54
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • average hours of care
        • staffing recruitment strategies, F416
      • average hours of care, increase, F54
    • Mental health and addictions services
    • Municipal restructuring - Halton Region
    • Non-profit organizations
      • staff recruitment and retention, F1053
    • Nurses
      • recruitment and retention initiatives, F54
    • Nurses - recruitment and retention
      • incentive programs, F416
    • Post-secondary education - faculty/staff
      • sexual misconduct against students
        • government strategy
          • public response, F380
    • Pre-budget consultations 2023, F253–F254
    • Pre-budget consultations (2023), F219–F220, F229, F289–F290, F326–F327, F354–F355, F379–F380, F415–F416
    • Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36), F53–F54
    • Regulations - business
      • and COVID-19, F830
      • reduction
        • as economic policy, F830
    • Rental housing - development
    • Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective
    • Sexual Assault Centre Kingston Inc.
      • community partnerships, F379
      • operational funding, F379
      • service delivery
        • impact of COVID-19, F379
      • service recipients
    • Skilled trades - employment
      • government strategy, F647
    • Social assistance programs - recipients
      • employment programs and services
        • general remarks, F621
    • Social services
      • government funding, F632
    • Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79), F621
    • YMCA
      • and Ontario Health teams, F220
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