Index des intervenants

Letter: V

  • Vanthof, J. (NDP, Timiskaming—Cochrane)

    • Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 155), IN376–IN377, IN379, IN384–IN385, IN387–IN388, IN393–IN394, IN396
    • Agriculture industry
    • Agriculture industry - food processing
      • government strategy, IN216
    • Agriculture industry - support programs
    • Agri-food industry
    • Bail hearings
      • indigenous communities, JP108
      • judicial officials, presiding, JP109
    • Bail program
    • Bail program reform
      • general remarks, JP66
    • Bail verification and supervision
      • offender monitoring, JP65
    • Cabinet ministers
    • Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
      • government funding
        • annual base rate, F268
    • Committee process
      • closed sessions
        • use of, transparency, JP158
    • Correctional facilities - inmates
      • release and return to home communities, JP278
    • Emergency services
      • geographic accessibility
        • northern Ontario, F288
    • Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171), IN512–IN515, IN527–IN530, IN542, IN544, IN547
    • Farmers
    • Forest industry
      • land sharing, F279
    • Government record
      • PC (2018-present)
    • Health care services
    • Indigenous communities - justice
    • Infrastructure - highways and roads
      • provincial highways, cost and maintenance
        • transfer to municipal responsibility
    • Intimate partner violence
    • Legal aid services
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022 (Bill 46), F268–F269, F279–F280, F287–F288, F294–F295, F303
    • Libraries - public
      • access to
        • impact on communities, F280
      • digital services, access to
        • impact on communities, F280
    • Local services board
      • operational budget
        • by board
      • roles and responsibilities
        • emergency services, F288
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • service capacity
        • northern Ontario, F269
    • Mining industry - employment
      • job creation/loss, F280
    • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
      • New Liskeard SPUD Unit, IN217
    • Motions
    • Offenders
    • Pre-budget consultations (2023), F268–F269, F279–F280, F287–F288, F294–F295
    • Public sector compensation - increase cap, health care workers
      • impact on retention, F269
    • Social services
      • as part of health care system, F295
    • Standing Committee on the Interior
    • Supportive housing
      • wait times, F95
    • Unhoused persons
      • supports and services
        • by region
    • University of Sudbury
      • accreditation process
    • Veterinarians
    • Veterinarians and veterinary technicians
    • Veterinary services
  • Vaugeois, L. (NDP, Thunder Bay—Superior North)

    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Human rights Tribunal of Ontario, A140
    • Budget 2024
    • Conservation officers
    • Curriculum
      • Indigenous content, F1627
    • Forest industry
    • Housing development - municipal charges
      • development charges, exemptions and discounts, F1674
    • Infrastructure development
      • northern Ontario, F1627
    • Long-term care - funding
    • Long-term care - operators
      • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, F1665
    • Non-profit organizations
      • government funding, F1674
    • Nuclear waste management
      • deep geological repositories
        • northern Ontario, F1629
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
      • and cost of living, F1639
    • Post-secondary education
      • government funding, F1653
    • Public libraries
      • government funding, F1629
    • Reports referred to committee
      • 2022 Annual Report: Ministry of Natural Resources (Auditor General of Ontario), P126
    • Road safety
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - benefits
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