Office of the Assembly timeline



headshot of Dalton Camp


Establishment of the Ontario Commission on the Legislature

Known as the Camp Commission after its Chair, Dalton Camp, the commission was appointed in 1972 to review the operation and effectiveness of the Ontario Legislature. 

Legislative Services Division

The Ministry of Government Services established a Legislative Services Division in April 1972
to provide supporting services to Ontario’s Legislature.

large group of people standing on Assembly front lawn


Office of the Assembly

The Legislative Assembly Act, 1974 (No.2) came into force on December 20, 1974, establishing the Office of the Assembly. The office consisted of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, the Clerk, the Sergeant-at-Arms, and other employees of the Office of the Assembly. Most of the Camp Commission’s advice was adopted in this legislation.

View from the Speaker's Chair in the Chamber

Board of Internal Economy

The 1974 amendments to the Legislative Assembly Act established a Board of Internal Economy chaired by the Speaker to review and approve the operations of the Office of the Assembly.

birds-eye view of people working at a table in the library


Legislative Library

It was agreed that the Speaker and the Office of the Assembly would assume responsibility for the Legislative Library starting April 1, 1976.


An office with a purchasing function was established under the Administrative Office in 1976. It became the Asset Purchase Control Office in 1980 and Supply and Services in 1986.


Administrative Services Division

The Administrative Services division was established and included the Finance Office, Personnel Office, Hansard, and the Legislative Library.

tour group inside Legislative Building

Parliamentary Protocol and Public Relations

The Tours and Information Office was listed under the Personnel Branch in 1977. By 1987 it was known as Parliamentary and Public Relations Branch, then Interparliamentary and Public Relations in 2000 before taking its current title, Parliamentary Protocol and Public Relations, in 2009.

server standing next to two seated people at a table in a dining room


Food Services

Food Services was listed under the Personnel Office, becoming a branch under Assembly Services in 1987.



two people seated at one side of the reference desk and one person on the other


Legislative Research

Established in 1980, Research Services was created to provide expert, customized, confidential, and non-partisan research and analysis for MPPs. It was renamed Legislative Research in 1984.

Information Services

An Information Services Directorate appeared in the Office of the Assembly organization chart in 1980, and by 1987 there were separate Information Services and Information Systems branches. It became the Information Services Branch in 2012.


Human Resources

The Personnel Office/Branch became the Human Resources Directorate under the Director of Administration in 1985.

broadcast operator operating sound board above the legislative Chamber


Broadcast and Recording Service

The Broadcast and Recording Service was established in 1986. Televised broadcasts of Ontario’s Legislature began during the fall of 1986 on the ONPARL television channel.

headshot of Clerk

The Clerk

In 1986 there was a change in the way the Clerk was selected. Prior to this, the Clerk was appointed by the Premier, but by the mid-1980s, the government had decided to turn the authority of choosing a Clerk over to a committee with all-party membership. The chosen candidate was then appointed by an order in council.



Media Studio

The Media Studio was transferred to Ontario’s Legislature in 1988.

two people seated next to each other at a desk signing papers

Memorandum of Understanding

In 1988, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Government Services and the Speaker to transfer control of the Legislative Precinct to the Office of the Assembly. Before that, the government owned the grounds on which the Legislative and Whitney Buildings are located. 

Precinct Properties

Following the Memorandum of Understanding, services within the Legislative Precinct were transferred to the Office of the Assembly. These services included building operations and maintenance.




Technology Services

During the 1980s and 1990s, an office of Technical Services and Systems appeared listed under the Legislative Library. By the 2000s, it became the Office of Information Management, and by 2014 had been renamed to Technology Services. 

Speaker in black and white robe sitting in Speaker's chair


Election of the Speaker

Starting in 1990, the Speaker was formally elected by the members of provincial Parliament in a secret ballot. Prior to this time, the Speaker was nominated by the Premier. The Honourable David Warner was the first Speaker to be elected to Ontario’s Legislature.

person with their back turned working with recording equipment


House Publications and Language Services and French Language Services

Interpretation and Language Services reported to the Clerk’s office until the early 1990s. Hansard Reporting and Interpretation Services later fell under the Legislative Services Division and was renamed House Publications and Language Services in 2020. 

coat of arms


Legislative Assembly Coat of Arms

As part of the 200th anniversary commemorating Ontario’s Legislative Assembly, the Legislature adopted its own coat of arms in 1992—the first provincial Legislature in Canada to do so.



Legislative Protective Service

Established in 1997 and first known as the Legislative Security Service, the office was created to separate on-site security officers from all other police and security services. It was renamed the Legislative Protective Service in 2018.



three people seated around a small table with a large screen in front


Information and Technology Services Division

In 2009, Legislative Information Systems was combined with the Legislative Library, Legislative Research, Information Services, and the Information Management Office to create the Information and Technology Services Division (now known as the iDivision).

committee room with tables and chairs and no people


Procedural Services

A reorganization in the Legislative Services Division in 2012 saw the dissolution of the Journals and Procedural Research Branch and the Committees Branch becoming instead the Procedural Services Branch.


Business Continuity

The Business Continuity Office was established in 2017 and is responsible for developing and reviewing Office of the Assembly plans, programs, and capabilities in case of an interruption in business.

large room with high ceiling


House Publications and Language Services

In July 2020, the former House Documents section of the Procedural Services Branch was combined with the Hansard and Interpretation Services Branch to create House Publications and Language Services.


Sergeant-at-Arms in uniform


The Sergeant-at-Arms 

In 2023, the selection process for the Sergeant-at-Arms was changed to mirror that of choosing a new Clerk: a panel with all-party membership selects a candidate who is then appointed by an Order of the House.



the legislative grounds


Building Services Division

This is the newest division to be formed and includes the Precinct Properties Branch and Parliamentary Food Services.