Committee speaker index

Letter: D

  • Dixon, J. (PC, Kitchener South—Hespeler)

    • Animal welfare
      • humane societies and shelters
    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Custody Review Board, A233
      • Landlord and Tenant Board, A229
      • Licence Appeal Tribunal, A307
    • Bail hearings
    • Bail program
      • bail packages, preparation of, JP79
      • firearms offences, recidivism, JP78, JP99, JP146
    • Bail program reform
    • Bail verification and supervision
    • Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142), JP419, JP421, JP434–JP435, JP438, JP456, JP463
    • Budget 2024
    • Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153), JP512, JP520–JP521, JP526, JP537, JP543
    • Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71), IN100, IN128
    • Cadets
      • Royal Canadian Air Cadets
        • social media presence, IN288
    • Charities and non-profit organizations
    • Consumer protection
      • contracts
        • language and terminology, JP469
        • no waiver of substantive or procedural rights, JP421
        • personal development services, JP482
        • unfair practices, JP468
        • void, JP480–JP481
      • contracts, rescission time periods
      • dark patterns, JP463
        • children and youth, JP438
      • impact on business environment, JP438
      • international students, JP463
      • regulations and enforcement, JP434
        • corporations, directors and officers of, JP494
        • as deterrent, JP435
        • voluntary compliance, JP492
      • stakeholder consultation, JP438
    • Court cases/actions
      • R. v. Antic, 2017 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2017] 1 SCR 509, JP76, JP83
    • Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)
      • bail provisions
        • reverse onus, application of, JP127
    • Curriculum
      • wars and conflicts
        • student trauma, PH95
    • Cybersecurity
    • Dog train-and-trial facilities
      • wildlife care and management, JP173
    • Food prices
    • Greenhouse gas emissions
    • Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65), PH95
    • Human trafficking - prevention
      • public education, JP333
    • Human trafficking - victims
      • coerced debts
        • community support programs for, JP326
    • Indigenous communities - health
      • mental health and addictions
        • community services, access to, IN100
    • Legal aid services
      • government funding, JP280
    • Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139), JP393, JP400
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91), JP173
    • Mental health and addictions services - funding, children and youth
    • Mines and mining
      • Indigenous consultation and consent, JP292
    • Mining industry
      • Indigenous communities
        • revenue sharing agreements, IN128
    • Missing Persons Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 74), JP686–JP687
    • Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2023 (Bill 31), IN288, IN304
    • Nuclear generating facilities
    • Offenders
      • pretrial detention
        • rehabilitative services, access to, JP146
      • remand, JP127
    • Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act, 2024 (Bill 159), JP650–JP651, JP658–JP659, JP661, JP671–JP673, JP691–JP696
    • Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41), JP326, JP333
    • Road maintenance
      • in winter
        • northern Ontario, IN45
    • Schools
      • student nutrition programs
        • government funding, F1382
    • Transportation - funding
    • Veterinarians
      • shortage
  • Dowie, A. (PC, Windsor—Tecumseh)

    • Affordable housing - development of
      • municipal-provincial cooperation, F1091
    • Alcohol retail
      • agency stores, F125
    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Ontario Financing Authority, A200
    • Apprenticeships
      • training programs, secondary students
        • stakeholder consultation, F588
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Arts and culture industry
      • government funding, F1385
    • Automotive industry - manufacturing
    • Brain injuries
      • patient supports, F1647
    • Budget 2023
    • Budget 2023/2024
      • skilled trades, F745
    • Budget 2024
    • Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146), F855, F858–F859, F867–F868
    • Carbon capture and storage
      • general remarks, F436
    • Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
    • Carbon tax
      • economic impact - food prices, F1081
    • College of Veterinarians of Ontario
      • ministerial oversight, IN523
      • quality assurance program, IN530
    • Community Health Centres (CHCs)
      • service delivery model, F387
    • Conservation authorities
      • water source protection program, F500
    • Construction Act. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter C.30.
    • Construction industry
      • general remarks, F597
    • COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
      • impact on senior citizens, F175
    • Craft breweries
      • and industry partnerships, F1073
      • taxation, F1072
    • Critical Minerals Strategy
    • Developmental services programs
    • Doctors
    • Doctors - family doctors
      • administrative responsibilities
        • impact on workload, F1366
    • Domestic violence
      • emergency shelters
        • staff recruitment and retention, F166
      • prevention
        • government funding, F167
    • Early childhood educators (ECEs)
      • recruitment and retention
        • northern Ontario, F287
    • Electric vehicles - charging stations
    • Electric vehicles - manufacturing
    • Employment
    • Employment services
      • skills development, F358
    • Employment standards
      • portable benefits, F50
    • Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171), IN523–IN524, IN530–IN531
    • Fertility services
    • Forest access roads
      • funding models, F279
      • funding models, history of, F279
    • Forest industry
    • French-language debates
    • Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162), HE1150
    • GO Transit - stations
      • construction
        • station contribution fees, HE723
    • Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
    • Health care - northern Ontario, F1664
    • Health care services
      • clinics, service fees, F1294–F1295
      • models of care
        • Community Health Centres (CHCs) vs. Ontario Health Teams, F387
      • northern Ontario
        • geographical accessibility, F251
    • Health care workers
      • education and recruitment programs
        • Learn and Stay grant, F236
    • Home and community care
    • Hospital services
    • Hospitals - construction by region
    • Hospitals - funding
    • Hospitals - staff
    • Housing development
      • modular
    • Housing development - by region
    • Housing development - municipal charges
      • development charges
        • exemptions and discounts
          • affordability requirements, F445
          • impact on municipalities, F125
      • development charges, exemptions and discounts
        • impact on municipalities, F1673
    • Immigrants - access to professions and trades
      • government strategy, F620
    • Immunization
      • public education and awareness
        • centralization of, F314
      • vaccine hesitancy, F314
      • vaccines
    • Independent health facilities - diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
      • surgical backlog remediation
        • northern Ontario, F251
    • Indigenous communities - health care
    • Industrial chemicals industries
    • Innovation and technology industry
      • access to capital, F1422
      • government funding, F1367
    • Intimate partner violence
      • public awareness, F1064
    • Intimate partner violence - victims
      • services
        • government funding, F1685
      • support services, F947
    • Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022 (Bill 46), F278–F279, F287
    • Libraries - public
      • digital services
        • digital resource sharing, F278
      • virtual services
        • centralized procurement, F409
    • Local services board
      • roles and responsibilities, F287
    • Long-term care - facilities
      • design standards
        • in other provinces, F338
    • Manufacturing industry
    • Mental health and addictions services
    • Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
      • access to
        • impact on patient health, F357
      • regional variances, F357
    • Mining industry
      • investment incentives, F329
    • Mining industry - critical minerals
      • economic impact, F328
      • supply chain management, F329
    • Mining industry - employment
      • recruitment and retention, F329
    • Moosonee
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
      • earning exemptions, increase, F40
    • Ontario Infrastructure Bank
      • investment offerings, F867
    • Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine
      • Kick-Start Innovation Investment Program
        • funding sources, F410
    • Ontario One Call
      • service capacity
        • backlog, factors affecting, F287
    • Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network
      • general remarks, F752
    • Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
    • Palliative care
      • hospice-based care
        • per-bed cost, F566
    • Persons with disabilities
      • support services
        • government funding, F1036
    • Pre-budget consultations 2023, F251
    • Pre-budget consultations (2023), F216–F217, F226, F236–F237, F278–F279, F286–F287, F296–F297, F313–F314, F328–F329, F338, F357–F358, F387, F409–F410
    • Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36), F40, F50
    • Property tax
    • Public libraries
    • Regulatory environment
      • impact on small business, F131
    • Road construction
    • Road construction and expansion
      • supply chain management
        • procurement, F50
    • School buses
      • private sector delivery, F537
    • Schools
      • student nutrition programs
        • government funding, F1224
    • Shaw Festival
      • government funding, F1165
    • Shelters and transitional housing
      • government funding, F1570
    • Skilled trades
    • Small business
      • regulatory reform, F131
    • Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
      • committee business
        • selection of estimates (2022-2023), F5
    • Temporary foreign workers
      • passports and work permits, retention of
        • fines and penalties, F610
    • Tobacco
      • contraband, sale of, F130
    • Tobacco products
    • Tourism industry
      • American tourists, F548
    • Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131), HE722–HE723
    • Vaping
      • as smoking cessation tool, F500
    • Veterinarians and veterinary technicians
      • education and training, IN524
      • regulatory framework, IN531
    • In vitro fertilization
      • government funding, F1005
    • Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79), F588, F594, F597, F609–F610, F620
    • YMCA
      • aquatics programming
        • lifeguard training, F410
      • community partnerships, F217
  • Downey, Hon. D. (PC, Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte)

    • Bail program reform
      • bail support teams, JP268
    • Cabinet ministers
      • mandate letters, release of, JP277
    • Cannabis retail
      • physical stores
        • location regulations, jurisdiction, JP26
    • Carbon tax (federal)
      • cost of, disclosure
        • on gas pumps
          • legal proceedings, cost of, JP29
    • Casinos and gaming sector - iGaming sector
      • regulation of, JP14
    • Correctional facilities - inmates
      • Indigenous persons
      • justice centres, JP280
      • release and return to home communities, JP278
    • Court administration
    • Court administration - criminal
      • case backlogs
    • Court facilities
      • Ontario Court of Justice (Toronto), JP13, JP21
    • Court houses
    • Criminal offences
    • Family law
    • Gender-based violence
      • access to justice
        • supports and services, JP28
    • Government expenditures
      • legal proceedings, JP29
    • Government record
      • PC (2018-present)
    • Human trafficking - government strategy
      • investigative projects
        • funding models
          • civil remedies grant program, JP28
    • Human trafficking - survivor services
      • government funding, JP281
    • Indigenous relations - land claims
      • crown lands
        • court cases/actions, JP283
    • Justice - administration of
      • access to justice
      • justice centres
        • supports and services, JP14
    • Justice system - criminal
      • backlog remediation
    • Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
    • Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - hearings
    • Legal aid services
    • Legal aid services - delivery model
      • reform
        • general remarks, JP16
    • Mental health and addictions services
    • Ontario Land Tribunal
      • government funding, JP267
    • Residential school system
      • records and documentation
    • Tribunals
      • digital services
        • case management system, JP13
      • employment models
        • full-time vs. part-time, JP23
        • hiring process, JP24
      • reform, JP23
    • Tribunals Ontario
    • Victims of crime
      • services
  • Dunlop, Hon. J. (PC, Simcoe North)

    • Auditor General of Ontario
      • reports
        • Public Colleges Oversight (2021)
          • recommendations, government response, SP65
    • Colleges and universities
      • capital projects
        • medical schools, SP50
      • government funding
      • micro-credential programs, SP74–SP75
        • application process, SP75
      • operational funding, SP53–SP54
      • revenue streams
      • tuition freeze, SP63
      • tuition gees
        • government strategy, SP52
    • Colleges and universities - facilities
    • Doctors - education and training
      • enrollment spaces, SP60
    • Government record
      • PC (2018-present)
        • education policy
          • post-secondary education - sexual violence and harassment, SP90–SP91
    • Health care workers
      • education and recruitment programs
        • Learn and Stay grant, SP49
    • Indigenous institutes
      • degree programs, funding
    • Intellectual Property Ontario
      • collaboration with post-secondary sector, SP67
      • creation of, SP50
      • economic impact, SP67
    • Lakehead University
      • Northern Ontario School of Medicine
    • Laurentian University
      • financial proceedings
        • monitoring process, SP55
      • government funding
      • insolvency proceedings
        • government response, SP54
          • debtor-in-possession, SP56
          • funding, SP56
      • insolvency proceedings, impact on students
      • student transfer funding, SP56
    • Members/ministers personal narrative, SP93–SP94
    • Members/ministers quoting
      • news media
        • Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26), SP90
    • Ministry of Colleges and Universities
      • new capital projects, funding, SP73
    • Nurses - education and training
      • colleges
        • degree granting authority, SP59
      • colleges, in other jurisdictions
        • degree granting authority, SP59
      • education and recruitment programs
        • Learn and Stay grant, SP59
      • funding, SP50
      • funding streams, SP61
    • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
      • funding streams
      • government funding
        • estimation vs. demand, annual, SP53
      • micro-credential programs
      • needs-based assessment, SP53
      • reform, SP66
      • student fixed contributions, exemption
        • Indigenous students, SP72
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • education and training
    • Post-secondary education
      • access to
        • Indigenous students, SP92
      • non-academic misconduct
        • institutional policies, SP94
        • institutional policies, variation, SP95
      • work-integrated learning, SP69
    • Post-secondary education - faculty/staff
      • sexual misconduct against students
        • employee dismissal policy, SP95
        • institutions, autonomy of, SP98
    • Post-secondary education - sexual violence and harassment
      • government response
      • institutional data collection and management, SP96
      • institutional policies, SP91
      • institutional policies, standards, SP91
      • prevention
        • institutional initiatives, SP91, SP93
        • public consultation, SP91
      • prevention education, SP97
    • Private universities
      • capital projects by site
    • Research institutions
    • Skilled trades
      • women in, promotion of, SP75
    • Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26), SP89–SP98
      • public consultation, SP92, SP97
      • scope of
        • victim-perpetrator relationship, SP94
      • statements by stakeholders, SP90
    • Students - post secondary education
      • international students
        • International Student Program, SP65
        • tuition, regulation of, SP64
    • Toronto Metropolitan University
Last updated